1 Start small. You cannot swallow the whole English pineapple at once. Dice it up into manageable chunks. For example, if you want to start with tenses, choose simple past. Practice it, take notes, quiz yourself, do some exercises, watch a video or two. Then move on to a different tense or grammar topic. One chunk at a time. Cutting the English language into smaller pieces makes the process of learning easier to handle. 

2. Obsession has to have action. Look at posts as actionable items. Sure, many people including I post a lot of information but please actually do something with it. Instead of just looking at a vocabulary list, create some sentences with those words. Or, look up the definitions or look up the word parts to help you expand your vocabulary. Practice phrasal verbs or prepositional phrases and then take an assessment to master those writing or reading skills. 

3. Use your own and unfamiliar worlds to learn English. The world you live in on a daily basis provides the richest opportunities to learn English. The movies you watch, the music you like, the nature around you watch, the art that intrigues you, and the people around you. However, you can also learn English by exploring topics that you might not be familiar with. This stretches your mind to learn new things while you learn English. You get exposed to new vocabulary and new topics as well.

4. Consider using more technology to learn English. Using technology to learn English does not guarantee that you will have success. However, technology offers you a different way to learn. You can climb a tree in many different ways and technology certainly is an instrument that help you develop your language proficiency. You can use Google applications to type and read. Recording your voice on a smartphone or laptop is another option to improve your speaking skills. Send your recordings to someone who can give you feedback. There are a lot of applications on IPADS and Android phones that can help you improve your English language proficiency.

5. Join social media communities that are willing to help you. Although you can generally find great English language resources online do not be afraid to ask questions or have someone correct your grammar. Be brave and ask. Engage English Language Learners or ESL teachers who are willing to support your language development. You are welcome to follow my  Instagram account at FASTTRACK ENGLISH for a wealth of English language resources. I am constantly posting new material. 

6. Learn new words in a week. Select unfamiliar words and master their spelling and definition. In addition, write a sentence for each word using an image that best represents that word. Expanding your vocabulary greatly increases your understanding of complex texts so you can discover new worlds. 

I hope that these suggestions support your English language development. Be brave and have an action plan for 2021.

What are your thoughts and comments? I would like to hear your feedback. 




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